Thursday, April 13, 2006

Via Crucis 2006: Stations 9 & 10

From combined stations 9 (His Third Fall) & 10 (He is Stripped of His Garments) at The Corner:

"Jesus falls, his body more than likely bloodied, humiliation taken to an almost illogical extreme. Jesus is stripped, all things of value taken from him in a mugging by an angry mob that has dogged his every step. Even if we question Jesus's divinity, as a fellow human being, this degradation and abuse is visceral, it grabs us.

I long to step away from that bloody, humiliated man. I want nostalgia, or better yet the sort of cool distance that modernity brought. I am Johnny, telling Pony Boy, stay gold, stay as I have you in my memory, stay as you are on the crushed velvet painting.

Put some clothes on, for God's sake, and wipe up that blood.� You are embarrassing me. I gave my life to you."

Read more posts at Via Crucis 2006.



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